Technology Mashup

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Adding a Technology Mashup to Your Site

It is quite easy to integrate the content of Yahoo! Pipes into a website.  Rather than directing someone to the address of the Pipe on Yahoo! Pipes, you can use that same address as an RSS Feed and then utilize existing template technology to "add gadgets" to your site that contain the RSS Feed.  Using Blogger here, I have customized a basic template to show different ways that my Yahoo! Pipe "Technology Mashup" could be displayed: in a header, on the sidebar, or below the main content of the site.  With some more time and effort, I could have looked into something like a "ticker" as well, to add to the top or bottom of the site.  By way of comparison, I included a couple individual RSS Feeds on the sidebar, to show how much cleaner it is to have the feeds aggregated into a single stream (via the mashup) rather than have multiple individual RSS feeds.